Quick Links
Latest Updates RDOS Hot Topics: www.rdos.bc.ca
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) information line:
250-490-4225 | For emergencies call 9-1-1
Voyent Alert! routine and emergency notifications
BC Wildfire Service: current wildfire information
Report a wildfire: 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell
Fire information line: 1-888-336-7378
RDOS Community FireSmart: Free Hazard Assessments
Emergency Support Services (ESS): 250-486-1890
ESS Evacuee Registration & Assistance (ERA): ess.gov.bc.ca
- Register online or by telephone: 1-844-537-7377 (8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
ALERT: 250-809-7152
Animal Lifeline Emergency Response Team
Emergency Contacts:
water, sewer, roads, utilities, gas, hazards
RDOS Contacts: departments, main office
Emergency Notifications: Voyent Alert!
Upper Similkameen Indian Band (USIB)
Lower Similkameen Indian Band (LSIB)
Important links to help you prepare for an emergency:
What to do when an Evacuation ALERT or ORDER is issued:
- RDOS Evacuation ALERT Tips
- RDOS Evacuation ORDER TIPS
- Be prepared for extreme heat and drought (PreparedBC)
- RDOS Facebook
- RDOS LinkedIn
- RDOS X (Twitter)
- EOC X (Twitter)
- RDOS YouTube
Recovery Information | Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA)
Sandbagging Information | Sandbag Wall: video
PreparedBC emergency guides and resources: PreparedBC
Emergency Management BC (EMBC)
- For downed powerlines, call 9-1-1 or Fortis BC:
1-866-436-7847 - For a natural gas leak, call 9-1-1 or Fortis BC:
BC Hydro: for downed powerlines, please call 9-1-1
Emergency Support Services | Volunteer Information
RDOS EOC | Emergency Preparedness
Rock fall in Electoral Area "G" (Rural Keremeos):
Welcome Home Packages for residents returning home:
- Crater Creek wildfire
- Upper Park Rill Creek wildfire
- Eagle Bluff wildfire (Osoyoos and RDOS residents)